Mimics & Mathrocks
DnD 5th edition homebrew podcast featuring Conor the DM, Blue as Ulaad the Aarakocra, Koi as Tasha the fabulous, Rune as Krelque the Ratfolk and Sonia as Lelith the Drow on the beautiful island of Kania and the kind of adventures you expect from adventurer's really. Join us every Sunday for just some good old listening chill.
Mimics & Mathrocks
Fractals, Ep 43 The one where we murder vegetables.
Mimics and mathrocks podcast group
Season 1
Episode 43
Not gonna lie. the title kind of says a lot. we go making the best/worst (read most stuffed) smoothie ever. some promises are made and some saves are mid . so you know. a pretty standard rpg session. its bound to have some good goofs and gafs though so have a listen :)
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